Were You Denied A Loan? Consider What This Means To Your Finances Overall.
If you were turned down for a home loan, auto loan, small business loan or any other important loan that you needed, you may be concerned about your credit and your financial future. Is this an early warning sign that your debt load has become excessive? You may need answers to questions such as:
- If you have filed bankruptcy in the past, is that fact still hurting you now, and if so, what can you do about it?
- Have you defaulted on loans in the past and if so, what remedies do you have to improve your financial opportunities from now on?
- How can you improve your chances of being approved for loans?
- How can you improve or repair your credit?
- Might there be some false information on your credit report? If so, how can you get the credit bureaus to remove or correct it?
- Is it better to make changes to your financial portfolio, keep applying for loans that you need or let time go by before you try again?
- Will it likely hurt or help you in the long run to dip into resources such as retirement funds, life insurance or real estate lines of credit?
- Is another way of obtaining needed cash more advantageous in your case?
- How can you address out-of-control debt, if that is part of your credit problem?
- What options do you have for consolidating debt into one payment?
- How soon can you restore your ability to live within your means, take out loans for vital purposes and pursue other financial goals without encountering roadblocks?
- Is your debt-to-income ratio a problem?
We can help you find the answers you seek.
Ask an established debt relief attorney to review your financial big picture before making your next move. Richard Banks & Associates has advised people with credit problems since 1974. We stay up-to-date on the latest laws and trends affecting consumer credit. We represent Tennessee residents in bankruptcy proceedings. Whether or not bankruptcy is in the picture for you, we also advise clients on ways to improve and repair credit.
Learn more by reviewing our bankruptcy FAQ or our bankruptcy practice center.
Contact Us For A Free Initial Consultation with A Debt Relief Lawyer
Call us toll free at 866-596-8527, or send us an email to talk to an experienced Cleveland attorney about improving your credit after you were turned down for a loan.