Bankruptcy may help you start 2016 on the right foot

On Behalf of | Dec 10, 2015 | Personal Bankruptcy |

It is that time of year when Cleveland residents may begin thinking about their New Year’s resolutions. For some, getting a good jumpstart on personal health is a priority. Others may make getting ahead in their careers the focus of their goals. Still others may make plans to alleviate the burdensome debts that hamper their abilities to save for the future.

Financial challenges can be problems that filter into other aspects of individuals’ lives. Stress over money and bills can cause individuals to worry and neglect behaviors that are beneficial to their lives. It can sometimes seem that getting past overwhelming debt is impossible, but for many there are legal options that offer them paths to economic success.

One path that some individuals utilize to become solvent is bankruptcy. Readers of this blog know that there are a variety of different forms of bankruptcy that individuals may use to work through their issues with creditors and debt; the law firm of Richard Banks & Associates can help people understand those different formats and choose the debt relief options that are right for their financial needs.

From liquidation under Chapter 7 bankruptcy to repayment plans under Chapter 13 bankruptcy, debtors have options for overcoming the unexpected life changes that throw them into financial turmoil. The attorneys and staff of Richard Banks & Associates can work with new and existing clients to find debt relief strategies that address the unique circumstances of each individual’s case. Bankruptcy is not an easy process, though with the guidance of a bankruptcy attorney starting the process can be a person’s first step toward financial freedom in the new calendar year.


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